
Click on a program choice or scroll down:
Assembly Performances
Multiple Visit Experience
Puppet Investigations: 2
Visit Experience
A Puppet Introduction: 1
Visit Experience
Teacher Workshops

(35-45 minute program for larger groups)
Queen Lion
of Africa: A grand old
lioness makes a royal appearance to share how her African lion ancestors gave all
creatures different gifts. Find out why her ancestors gave the elephant a trunk, the
giraffe a long neck and many others. The Lioness is an 8 ½ -foot tall
puppet. 35-45 min program
Ragamuffin the River Raccoon: Ragamuffin
tells a spirited story about life with the many creatures (humans included) who share the
river bank with her. Ragamuffin finds a new unexpected friend and learns friendship
has no color, culture or even scent boundaries. Ragamuffin stands 8 feet high.
35-45 min program
Irish Giant
Sarah MacCoul: Tells the story of how her legendary husband
Finn MacCoul defeated the feared Scottish giant Fergus. Finn beats Fergus not because of
his immense size and strength, but rather because of Sarahs own wit and wisdom.
Sarah comes alive as a memorable 8-foot giant parade puppet who needs a room with at least
a 9-foot ceiling to perform. 35-40 min program
Big Bad Wolfs Mama: Guess what! The Big Bad Wolf has a
mom. She comes in person to tell the story of her son and why he was big but not really so
bad. Learn what his favorite food was and why he couldnt live with out it. Mrs. Wolf
is an 8-1/2 foot tall puppet. 35-40 min program
Cost: $100 per show + mileage
Discount for Multiple shows on
the same day

~Multiple visit experience~
All residencies are tailored to individual
school needs. I can guide students through an intense puppet experience including writing,
building and performing a show or give them an introduction to using puppets. Your school
and classroom goals and objectives guide the planning process. The following are
The Big Show! Students
create and perform a multiple act, large scale puppet production. The performance can
focus on a variety of themes such as: your schools code of ethics, patriotism, history, or
other specific curriculum concepts. Each classroom involved will perform one act of the
production. Dianne will guide students in creating the script, building the puppets,
practicing for the final performance and may even include writing songs to enhance the
General outline and times needed:
- Optional Introduction: Assembly performance by Dianne
Step 1: Dianne will visit each individual classroom 2 times for script writing
40-60 min each depending on grade level
- Step 2: Dianne will visit each individual classroom 1 time for puppet building
60-80 min depending on type of puppets used
- Step 3: Dianne will visit each individual classroom 2 times to get ready for student
performances - 45-60 min each
- Step 4: Dress Rehearsal 30 min each classroom
- Step 5: The Big Show!
Student Puppet Performances: Students do it all! Working in small groups, students write scripts from
topics studied in science, social studies, language arts or from traditional folktales.
Students will make their own puppets out of a variety of materials that may include
recycled items or kitchen utensils. They will learn puppeteering techniques, how to stage
the show, and may even write songs for their performance. The grand finale will be
performing their creation for an audience.
General outline and times needed:
- Optional Introduction: Assembly performance by Dianne
- Step 1: Visiting each individual classroom for script writing - 2 times 40-60
min each depending on grade level
- Step 2: Visiting each individual classroom for puppet building 1 time
60-80 min depending on type of puppets used
- Step 3: Visiting each individual classroom to get ready for student performances
2 times- 45-60 min each
- Step 4: Student Puppet Performances
Cost: $225 per half day
$390 per full day

~2 visit experiences~
Problem Solving with Puppets: First, students brainstorm class situations that could be potential problems
(playground teasing, cheating, smoking). In small groups students will use hand puppets to
work out solutions. These puppet shows can be used as a teaching tool for younger children
and/or a springboard for further discussion about the problem and the solutions they
60-90 minutes per visit grades 1-6
Folktales: Students will create variations on classic
folktales by twisting the plot or recreating the characters. Soon, Rapunzel will be
stranded at the top of a lifeguard tower and her prince will ride in on a motorcycle and
convince the sand trolls to let her go. When each small group has their script ideas, then
puppets are added and the fun begins. (This works best as a 2-visit program) 60-90
minutes per visit grades 3-6
Show What You Know!:
In this program the students use what they have already learned in science, social
studies or language arts. After a short intro and info sharing discussion with the class,
Dianne will teach the students how to put together a short puppet production that
demonstrates what they have been studying. It is a great informal assessment tool or
culminating activity. 60-90 minutes per visit gr 2-8
Cost: $225 per half day
$390 per full day
A Puppet Introduction:
~Single visit experiences~
Puppet Building: Each student will create their own hand puppet made of house
hold items like sponges, scrap ribbon, and paint sticks. All materials can be provided for
a per student fee. 1-2 hours visit
depending on puppet being built (prek-8)
Fun with Puppets: This
workshop provides a short introduction to the world of puppetry through hands-on play with
many different kinds of hand puppets. It is a perfect follow up after watching one of
Diannes puppet performances.
½ hour 1 hour visit (PreK-8)
Animal Stories: This
program makes for a very creative oral language experience. Using puppets each student
will create crazy stories about an animal. "Hi my name is Marcy. I caught this
panda bear by popping it with a pez dispenser. He lives in my garage and I clean his teeth
with a squirt gun
" What happens when you bring him to school, Marcy?
1½ hours each visit (grades K-3)
Cost: $100 per single workshop/performance
$225 per half day
$390 per full day

Teacher workshops will greatly enhance the student's puppet
experience. Workshops will engage teachers and give them fun and imaginative ideas for
puppet use in the classroom. They are customized to the needs of the group, run anywhere
from 15 min. to 2 hours and can include:
Multiple Intelligence teaching through puppets
Learning how students can build 10 different types of puppets using
common household items (paper bags and socks not included)
Creative, unexpected ways to use puppets to enhance your curriculum.
How to put on a show from start (writing the scripts), to finish
(final performance tips)
Hands-on puppet building experience
Stage building ideas - large, small, or temporary
Cost: $100 per single workshop/performance
$225 per half day
$390 per full day